Basic SEO Course Outline
Of course, every Course has its outline. So before we start the lessons, we’re giving you the breakdown of the main modules and what you’ll be getting out of it
Here’s the course outline:
- How do search engines Work?
- Introduction to search engines
- Search spiders
- Links
- Indexing
- Retrieval
- Ranking
- Layers
- On Site Optimization
- What is on site optimization
- On site factors
- Meta tags
- Keyword density
- Image alt text
- Outbound links
- Internal linking
- Slugs
- SEO copywriting (content optimization)
- Off Site Optimization
- What is off site optimization
- Off site factors
- Links
- Anchor text
- Anchor title
- Linkbaiting
- Forum posting
- Blog Posting
- SEO Facts and Figures
- How important is SEO today?
- Search is still the biggest game in town
- Internet visibility
- How important is it to be on first page of SERPs
What you have to do to get the most out of this course:
First of all, you have to read and study all of the lessons every time they get delivered to your inbox. The lessons are delivered every three days so as to give you time to read thoroughly and to apply them in your website.
Secondly, you HAVE to apply them in your website. You have to practice the lessons in your own website/ blogsite and do a trial and error approach to the course. Especially the on-site and off-site optimization modules.
Thirdly, you have to do your extra reading and research if you want to get the best out of the course. I can only teach you so much – in the end, you have to be the one to thirst for more to be a better SEO practitioner.
Fourth, don’t force the lessons down your head. If you can’t follow anymore, get some sleep and read it tomorrow – don’t worry. It won’t disappear from your inbox.
Fifth, Join the SEO Hacker community forums. Questions sent to my email inbox WILL NOT BE ENTERTAINED. You have to join the community forums in order for me to address your questions and concerns.
Sixth, Join the SEO Hacker Facebook Group and the SEO Hacker Fan Page to get the latest updates about SEO and SEO Hacker.
Seventh, Make sure you watch the Videos. There are some things discussed in the Videos that are not available in the lesson transcript.
Eighth, Check if the emailed lessons are trimmed by your email browser. If it is, then you can click on the “View it in your Browser” link on the topmost part of the emails or click the Facebook Like button – it will take you to a page with the whole email displayed.
We surely hope you get the most out of this course by following these guidelines!
Sean Patrick Si
SEO Hacker Founder and SEO Specialist