4 Things You Should Blog About to Gain Client’s Trust

What Bloggers Should Blog About

Whenever I browse random websites, I always find myself staying a bit longer on those that have astonishing design. It didn’t surprise me at all to find out that most of them are web design firms. It’s their way of saying they’re the best in designing, subtly urging you to hire them to renovate your site.

In businesses, where blogs are the first line of defense, it is very necessary to be mindful enough of everything you’re going to publish.

In this post, I’d like to share with you the things that you, as a blogger and business owner, should do and consider writing to gain more clients and, more than that, their trust.

Webmaser’s Note: This is an entry by Pam Sallegue. The new marketing specialist of SEO Hacker. You’ll see more of her posts in SEO Hacker from here on out.

1. Showcase your Team

A businessman once said, ‘A business succeeds not because it is long established or because it is big, but because there are men and women in it who live it, sleep it, dream it, and build great future plans for it’. –John Willard Marriott

Who says nobody cares about your SEO team? Most companies are so obsessed with writing about what they can do for a client, or their company’s mission and vision that they neglect the actual people who make it happen – the team.

Hey! There’s nothing wrong with wanting a stellar mission-vision, but once in a while, try to show your team to the public. Blog about your team’s recent outing, team building, or even the simple dinners! Doing this will not only give your prospected clients knowledge on what kind of people will work for their products, but it will also prove that your team is made up of real passionate, hardworking people, and not robots.

When you’re confident about your company’s characteristics and capabilities, surely there’s nothing you should hide.

2. Write about your Services

For the past years, SEO Hacker blog has been an avenue of updates, tutorials, tips and guides about Internet marketing, blogging, social media marketing and everything else that is related to SEO.


Simply because it’s the love of our lives – it’s where we’re good at. For example, we can write about linkbuilding because we’ve been doing it for three years now, and as years pass, we become more and more confident that what we’re sharing are right – based on experiences!

We mean every word.

Clients will look at what you’ve proven to be good at, not the things that you’re planning to experiment on.

Let your blog entries show your expertise.

3. Allow Guest Posts

I know many will disagree with me about this, but wait! Before you throw stones at me, let me be clear here.

I am not encouraging link spamming that most guest bloggers per se do. Filter out guest blog requests. If you have to do a background check on those bloggers, do so. There will always be someone who’s main purpose is to share knowledge more than just the possibility of getting some link juice from you.

Read what they’re offering, and if you think it will benefit your readers rather than bend your company’s values, beliefs and specialty, I suggest you accept and post it.

It shows selflessness. It’s telling everyone that your blog is not just about yourself, and that you care about other people’s thoughts.

It shows open mindedness. It shows clients the fact that you’re open to new ideas, and learning, and that aside from your blog, you’re probably reading other’s blogs, too.

4. Post Personal Topics

It’s okay to post personal topics in your blog once in a while.

When my boss and the man behind SEO-Hacker, Sean Si, posted “An SEO Wedding Break”, it doesn’t make me worry about what might happen to the company while he’s out.

First is because I know that there’s an amazing team who will back him up (and that’s one of the many good reasons why you have to post something about your team).

Second, he plotted everything he’s going to do once he’s back. For me, that’s an assurance of a wonderful future.

And lastly, well come on, it’s his wedding! Can’t you feel the joy in his tone? That tone only convinced me that his marriage would make him more passionate and responsible not just with his work, but with his life in general.

This kind of entry gives people an idea of your plans for the future, but more than that, it shows what kind of person you are, how real you are, and why they should trust you.

Blogs play a big role in a business’ success. Clients have probably read your blogs even before you speak a word about what you can offer. First impressions usually come from what you blog, so keep it focused, professional, and informative. After all, we’re writing for people, not for search engines.

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Sean Si

About Sean

is a Filipino motivational speaker and a Leadership Speaker in the Philippines. He is the head honcho and editor-in-chief of SEO Hacker. He does SEO Services for companies in the Philippines and Abroad. Connect with him at Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter. He’s also the founder of Sigil Digital Marketing. Check out his new project, Aquascape Philippines.