The Best Ways to Accelerate Your Expertise

It’s obvious that this is my favorite topic – how to help newbies get on the right track. The trickiest part, as I’ve noticed, always concern about upgrading and/or improving expertise. Sure, everyone starts from basic. But if your learning rate is pretty steep, you won’t get anywhere great for a long time.

So shape up newbies, I’m gonna fire up pointers on how you can earn your stars the fastest (and surest of course) way possible!

Know the A-Listers in Your Niche

If you want to get spotted in the radar, and learn the things that you should definitely know, then your best bet will be to learn from the professionals in the niche. It’s fairly easy to spot them, they’re basically the most referenced or active guys. If not, you can easily Google for your niche keyword and look at the top ranking blogs. If that didn’t work, go to Guy Kawasaki’s and search the top list blogs of your niche.

Finding them is just the beginning. Following and being recognized is the hardest.

First of all, you need to follow these people because they matter (at least in your niche). Sure, you can ramble all you want that you’re the greatest thing that has ever happened in the internet, but if no one cares, then it’s pointless. Follow these people and learn from their ways. How they do it is the standard. If you want to rise, you have to either:

  • Meet their quality or better yet
  • Surpass their skill

Of course, getting recognized by them is a bit tricky to. And why do they need to recognize you? Simple. Because their opinion matter. And so does their social circle. Lingering around their blogs isn’t enough. Always remember to leave a mark. Comment, join anything that’s up, and better yet, correspond to these bloggers. Usually, they’d be busy to answer, but at least you’ve tried (hint: make sensible, response-worthy messages if you want replies).

Practice What You Preach

And this, my friends, is the usual shortcoming of many of us. We learn best if we practice it on our own. Not just for the sake of ethical reasons, but for us to keep the learning process on the go.

There was this one time when I tried to write a post about effective ways to improve site design. It’s logical of course for me to have tested those things in my blog first before writing about it. Now, as I published the post, I realized (both through re-reading and listening to comments), that there’s still possible ways to improve my site design. And this is where the real learning kicks in- the time when you re-formulate and improve for the better.

If you can’t practice what you preach, at least better be honest about it. For example, if you don’t really have an idea of programming (assuming you want to write about that), don’t pretend to know what you’re doing, you can be honest about it by airing out your questions at your post. Who says we only need to teach in blogs? Sometimes, it can be the best way to solicit possible solutions too. Now, isn’t that the thing that makes a healthy blog community? Two-way interaction.

Digest From Everywhere – As Much As You Can

Never, and I mean ever, stop learning. Visit new blogs every now and then, try something new. Think beyond the box.

If you still are interested on learning, why not go beyond your niche and invest time in understanding another niche that can be related? Try designing, or internet marketing, or coding… the options are endless! I started out just learning the bricks of blogging. But I’ve grown so much from that by trying on new things. For example, you have no idea how much powerful it is to integrate seo, blogging and internet marketing together. It can (literally and figuratively) open a lot of opportunities.

There’s nothing that can improve and make you better than combining multi-disciplines into one mind. The result can be awesome. It can be a break-though. And who knows, it can even be the key to success that you’ve been trying to find for so long.

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Sean Si

About Sean

is a Filipino motivational speaker and a Leadership Speaker in the Philippines. He is the head honcho and editor-in-chief of SEO Hacker. He does SEO Services for companies in the Philippines and Abroad. Connect with him at Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter. Check out his new project, Aquascape Philippines.