Finally got our SEOmoz Prizes!

If you didn’t know, I tried to enter SEOmoz’s Youtube contest – because I was also doing tests and writing an entry on Youtube SEO. Wasn’t really expecting to win due to the simplicity of my video. I was practically just sitting and talking. To my great surprise, I was chosen as one of the winners (my guess is the SEOmoz team probably didn’t have much to choose from and went ahead to make me one of the winners). Nonetheless, I thoroughly enjoyed making the video with one of our new hustlers in the SEO Hacker team, Khris Torres.

For this entry, I just want to thank SEOmoz for the wonderful opportunity of joining their Youtube contest. We finally got the prizes – an SEOmoz USB, SEOmoz  keychain, SEOmoz sticker, SEOmoz  mug, and an SEOmoz plastic bracelet. They’re all swell and ‘swaggy’. I was looking for the SEOmoz Swagbag too but I guess there was a change of plan.

Here’s how the SEOmoz prizes look like:

SEOmoz Plastic Bracelet

The plastic bracelet look swell. Not something I would wear for everyday use though. Perhaps on SEO conferences?

SEOmoz Bracelet
The SEOmoz Tumbler was really nice. I wanted a tumbler with straw ever since but I was trying to save up (and I was reasoning to myself “I didn’t need one”). Thanks to SEOmoz I finally have one! And with Roger’s picture to boot!
SEOmoz Tumbler

I haven’t even checked how much memory the SEOmoz USB can store up but it looked really nice and it felt even nicer – it’s made out of rubbery material. A real keeper!
I’m still thinking where to stick the Roger sticker. Don’t want to waste the one shot I have of sticking it somewhere.
SEOmoz Sticker
A Roger keychain. Who wouldn’t want one? I can finally replace my Angry Bird keychain. Goodbye Angry Bird keychain!
SEOmoz Keychain

Perhaps the Swag Bag is still on its way?

But hey, thanks for the swell items SEOmoz! Until next time!

And all glory to God! 🙂

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Sean Si

About Sean

is a Filipino motivational speaker and a Leadership Speaker in the Philippines. He is the head honcho and editor-in-chief of SEO Hacker. He does SEO Services for companies in the Philippines and Abroad. Connect with him at Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter. He’s also the founder of Sigil Digital Marketing. Check out his new project, Aquascape Philippines.