Why the best SEO specialists are marketers
Being an SEO specialist, I realized that SEO is not about being the best programmer in order to understand Google’s system. It’s about ranking in Google’s Search engine results page because you are relevant and you want to market out something through being a presence in the first page.
How you perceive the company is vital. IT people are not marketers. Programmers are not marketers. They just don’t think like a marketer. I’m not generalizing them but most of them do not have that marketing spark in them. They’re more into the technical aspect of SEO. And the technical aspect doesn’t count for much.
SEO has a foundation of playing with words. Your keywords are the foundation of your site’s SEO. Wrong keywords means wrong foundation, which means that your entire SEO structure is built on the wrong cornerstone.
SEO is also a mind game. It’s essence is getting into the minds of your customers and thinking like them. Only the best marketers can do that. And it doesn’t stop there – it gets technical too. You have to think like your customer (knowing what the customer wants) and then know what the keywords your customer is likely to type in Google for your company to be relevantly found.
The best SEO specialists that I know aren’t IT people. They aren’t programmers or coders. They’re marketers. They know how to get their brand or product out there and they’re using SEO as one of the tools that are essential to do that work.