SEO Hacker – Best of 2014

Best of 2014It seems like it was just like yesterday, we were wrapping everything up for 2013 and now, another year is about to end – 2015 is almost here!

But before we move towards a new year of strategies, let us first have a quick review of the best that we’ve written, so far, this year:

1. 8 Expert Advice on Building an Effective Content Marketing Campaign

Content Marketing Tips from Experts

We knew content marketing is the way to go, and that it’s where we should invest our time and efforts, but we didn’t know how to start.

So, we asked the experts – specialists like Rand Fishkin, Neil Patel, Jerod Morris (and a lot more) – to tell us how and what we should do to have a successful and lasting content marketing campaign.

2. Ever Wonder what SEO Will Look Like in 2015? These Experts Do

What SEO will look like in 2015

We wanted to know what SEO would be like in the coming years. The truth is, it’s hard to know. That’s why we asked for the industry’s best experts on their opinions and predictions on SEO for 2015.

More than just predictions, this post is one of the best data researches we’ve had – backed by factual analysis and observations by our friends from the worldwide SEO community.

3. 12 Important Lessons I Learned After Losing 101,569 Tweets


Changing your entire website from HTTP to HTTPS is a very tedious task that call for drastic pros and cons. For one, we lost thousands of social signals due to the change however, SEO Hacker’s keyword rankings increased dramatically since then.

In this article, Sean shared with us not just the advantages and disadvantages of shifting to HTTPS, but also the things he learned along the process of the transition.

4. How to Improve your Title Click-Through Rate by 730%

How to Improve your Title1

Titles are imperatively significant in every content. Majority of the online population read headlines and immediately decide whether or not they would want to read your post. But then, it’s not always easy to think of a title that will hook your readers and make them read ‘til the very last word. Good thing there’s a plugin that could tell which of your titles get more attention – a WordPress plugin called Title Experiments.

In this article, we listed down the plugins that could help you understand how your titles are performing and how it emotionally affects your readers.

5. What Everybody Ought to Know About Link Building

Link building is not dead

There is more to link building than just planting links to acquire link juice, or plainly boosting your PageRank.

This article is about how link building could be the way to build relationships and connections with other bloggers or webmasters – how link building is a simple task of becoming more visible and giving resources to your readers.

6. Bite-Sized Truths and Myths About SEO

Truths vs Myths

This post is about the things we used to believe about SEO, things like ‘you don’t need technical SEO because content is all that matters’. This bite-sized truths and myths about SEO will help you realize that not everything you hear to be true are actual facts –  don’t be afraid to do your own trial and error.

7. Why you need Technical SEO and Where to Start

Technical SEO

Being in SEO is more than just being a good copywriter, linkbuilder or a master in social media – you also need technical skills. In instances where you need to improve your site’s indexability, or when you ought to revive lost pages or missing, broken or edited URLs, knowledge about technical SEO is important.

8. 5 Things you’re Probably Doing Wrong as a Content Marketer

Doing Content Marketing Wrong

Even though content marketing has been here for centuries now it’s just recently that we’ve become truly concerned about it – having been convinced that it is the best way to go when you want to have a successful marketing campaign. The problem is that most of us think it’s all about writing, not knowing that like any other marketing efforts, it requires planning as well as proper execution.

As a content marketer, you have to know where you should go, as well as the things you’re doing wrong, and how to avoid or stop doing it.

9. 20 Awesome Tools That Dramatically Increased SEO Hacker’s Productivity

SEO Hacker Productivity Tools

Our team is amazing, but we’re not superhumans. As an Internet Marketing company, we innovate and look for tools that could help make us become more efficient.

In this article, we laid out the applications and tools we’ve been using to help us be productive – no matter what department a team member is at.

10. How Regular Expression Affects SEO


In this post, Sean discussed what Regular Expression (or more commonly known as RegEx) is, and how it matters to SEO.

It is also a quick tutorial of how you can fix a fundamental mistake in SEO, like putting stop words to your URL, without deleting anything and compromising your PageRank.

So, that’s it!

This year has been a blast – there were so many improvements with digital marketing, and we’re more than excited to still be a part of this continuous growth and the new developments in the years to come.

But, what’s even more exciting is that we still get to write for you! Thanks for being an awesome part of our community, and keep sticking around because we’re sure to thrill you with more on SEO this coming 2015!

P.S. If you want to continually receive the top 10 best of the web, subscribe to our monthly Growth Hacks newsletter.

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Sean Si

About Sean

is a Filipino motivational speaker and a Leadership Speaker in the Philippines. He is the head honcho and editor-in-chief of SEO Hacker. He does SEO Services for companies in the Philippines and Abroad. Connect with him at Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter. He’s also the founder of Sigil Digital Marketing. Check out his new project, Aquascape Philippines.