Empowering Small Businesses to Invest in SEO
The Coronavirus pandemic has greatly affected businesses on a global scale since no one remains unscathed by the economic effects of the virus. One thing stays the same is that Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is an investment that will generate growth for businesses, no matter what niche they belong to. This is why we are going to talk about how an SEO company and a small business can team up together towards success.
For small businesses, it can be difficult to navigate this crisis without hard-hitting tools at their disposal. Social distancing is all the rage right now and businesses that primarily deal with engagement are now suffering from loss of opportunities for growth. But this will not go on forever. Everyone is hoping for a better condition of the world soon which means there are many people who would welcome your business as soon as you have recovered. All the more reason for small businesses to envision their resurgence from this pandemic, right?
SEO and Small Businesses
According to a survey by The Manifest, only 30% of small businesses in the United States have an SEO strategy in place for their marketing efforts. This is a mediocre amount for the rest of the businesses that do not see SEO as an investment seeing as this digital marketing effort is the most affordable way to increase your brand’s visibility nowadays compared to paid advertising.
And once you rank first organically, you have higher chances to stay on the first page rather than paying for your slot in the search engine results, and then get kicked off by the competition because they have outbid you or their copy is better than yours.
Organic ranking is holistic and it is fueled by quality and relevance. Here at SEO Hacker, we strongly believe in the potential of small businesses to grow in the digital market. Heck, this blog that you are reading now used to be a space for a guy who just wants to write about his experiments and strategies for SEO. Today, it has grown into a full-scale business, and we are now ranking first for the toughest and most sustainable keyword in the country, SEO Philippines. If I can do it, so can you.
Growth can start out simply, without the extravagant display of complex strategies. If you are now well-convinced about SEO as a viable investment, I would advise you to go back-to-basic.
While we are looking at recovery in the near future, considering an investment in SEO is one of the ways to cope with the losses of small businesses. How is this going to work? Read on below about the foundational strategies that will help small businesses thrive in the digital market:
Solid Keyword Research
Banking on keyword strategies will go a long way in your pursuit of digital marketing success. When it comes to solid keywords, search intent is the key. Make sure to target keywords that can help you create content for people and not search engines. Content will help your business succeed if you serve the right audience. Long-tail keywords will be most beneficial not only for small businesses but for those industries who are looking for their site visitors to convert.
Mobile Optimization
People around the globe have been staying at home during this lockdown. They have more time on their hands to surf the internet using their smartphones. This is also a primary consideration since you can reach your audience this way. The key metric in ensuring success in mobile optimization is to increase mobile usability by fixing errors detected in Google Search Console. Site speed is also a big factor so make sure to optimize for this as well. Prepare an initial diagnosis of your speed and fix issues according to the recommendations.
High-Quality Foundational Content
Small businesses that would like to do “DIY-SEO” can always start with content. Write with passion about your industry and stand out in that niche. You can be easily viewed as a blog of value if you are writing about knowledge transfers for those who are interested in what you do. Foundational content can thrive with search intent as its support. Make sure that you are not too methodological in your approach to content since your audience would want to read engaging content that they can use to their own advantage.
Backlink Creation
Once you get the ball rolling on the content that you will feature, you will also need backlinks for your site. It is important that you spend more time promoting your content than that you used to create it. Links with the anchor text that you would like to be known as an authority for will help you achieve digital marketing success. Backlinks are essential for small businesses because this is one of the best ways to increase brand awareness. If people are seeing your name as an authority in the industry, it’s only natural that they would want to do business with you.
Key Takeaway
An SEO company for a small business is the most ideal setup in generating ROI in the digital market. But for those who would like to try their hand at doing SEO for themselves, these are some of the quick strategies that you can use for starters. The ones I listed here are nothing that you haven’t heard before but many small businesses are on the path of educating themselves about digital marketing and how they can use this for their business especially in times of crisis.
How does SEO help your business grow? Comment it down below!