Soon Done Review: Free Powerful Email Outreach Tool

Link building is one of the most tedious tasks in SEO. Prospecting and outreach take so much time and automating these tasks is always the way to go. There are a lot of tools out that are available out there but what if there is a tool that could help you out with all of these for free?

Yeah, you read that right – Free!

These days, it’s hard to come by free email outreach and prospecting SEO tools that are useful and reliable. If you opt for paid tools, on the other hand, the more prospects you search and the more emails you send, the more you pay. 

Let me introduce you to Soon Done.  

What is Soon Done?

Soon Done is a completely free prospecting and outreach tool founded by Ray McNamara, a solo entrepreneur from Dublin. Compared to other outreach tools, Soon Done uses Google search. Once you make a search using Soon Done, it records the first 100 results. It then scans for emails on each website that you visit and you can send outreach emails directly from the tool.

How To Download Soon Done?

If you want to try it out, all you have to do is go to the Soon Done website and fill up a form. They will reach out to you and send a document about how to install the tool and a full guide on how to use it. Also, take note that the tool is only available for Mozilla Firefox so if you’re using Google Chrome, you might have to wait for a new version before you are able to try it (or just download firefox).

How Does Soon Done Work?

Once you’ve downloaded and installed the tool, fire up your browser, and go to Google. You’ll immediately see the interface of the tool in the lower right of your screen.

To look for prospects, you could use Google search operators. In this example, I’m trying to look for travel blogs that are accepting contributors. So I entered “travel blog” + “write for us” in the tool and clicked Search Google.

Once I clicked on “Visit Websites” the tool opened the first search result and automatically scanned for emails. 

Right from the tool, I could easily send an outreach email. The tool sends an email from the one registered on it so if you might need multiple accounts to send from different email addresses.

After sending an email, there is an option for me to move on to the next website. This saves time since I don’t have to go back to the search results or open multiple tabs on my browser.

Clicking “Next Website” brought me the second search result. Again, the tool scanned the site for email addresses, and right after, I could send my outreach email to them.

The “Return to Search Mode” button allows me to search for another query. This time, I looked for SEO blogs that are accepting contributors. Making another search didn’t clear my previous search and progress. As you can see, there is still an option for me to visit the travel websites and go back to where I was. This is really useful if you’re running different campaigns in different niches.

The tool also has other features such as using email templates or setting up goals allowing you to automate more and track things better in your campaign. If the tool is unable to find an email address, you could manually add one in the tool if you know the email address.

My Thoughts on Soon Done

Soon Done might seem like a simple tool, but it really packs a punch. In my opinion, depending on how you use the tool, it can be on par with other known paid email outreach tools. Those tools are good; you could find thousands of prospects in an instant and send templated emails in a few seconds. The problem is, sometimes credits are wasted on websites that are inactive or are not even relevant to your website. Soon Done allows you to view websites first before sending emails so you would know if a website is relevant or is fit for collaboration. While you could use templates in the tool, you could still personalize and customize your emails which I love because it makes it easier to connect and build relationships with the webmasters I reach out to.

It saves time, it’s easy to use, and it’s free! And I can’t ask for more than that. It’s perfect if you’re a freelancer or a small business owner and you’re looking for free tools but it’s also useful for agencies and large companies running medium to large scale link building campaigns.

Right now, I believe that Soon Done has lots of potential and room for improvement. I would love to see more features added to it in the near future.

Let me know what you think

I spoke with Soon Done’s founder and he is very much open for feedback and suggestions. He’s continuously working on how to improve the tool and you can support him by letting him know your thoughts on the comments below.

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Sean Si

About Sean

is a Filipino motivational speaker and a Leadership Speaker in the Philippines. He is the head honcho and editor-in-chief of SEO Hacker. He does SEO Services for companies in the Philippines and Abroad. Connect with him at Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter. He’s also the founder of Sigil Digital Marketing. Check out his new project, Aquascape Philippines.