Facebook Updates Ads: What You Need To Know

Facebook Updates Ads: What You Need To Know

As Facebook continues to grow in the number of users, along with increased functionality, ads have become an integral part of the platform. This has helped numerous brands reach perhaps the largest online audience available and generate successful campaigns and attain more sales. Ads have become an indispensable resource for branding, as it helps generate more traffic to websites through promotion.

With the abundance of ads, you can basically see them everywhere on the platform, from videos, posts, and even on Messenger. Not utilizing them means losing an opportunity to expand your social presence, and a chance to tap into different markets. With the importance of ads in today’s Facebook, it is fitting that it will be receiving a set of updates to optimize it. Here are some of the updates that you need to know.

See all Ads

As a way of providing more data transparency, Facebook will allow its users to be able to view all of the ads that a certain page is running. This update includes Instagram, Messenger, and other networks connected with Facebook. This allows users to asses the ads pages are running and see if the content is suitable for its audience. To access these advertisements, go to a page, then click “Info and Ads” to be able to see the active advertisements.

Info and Ads

This not only improves data transparency, but it also helps users look for abusive and offensive advertisements that may put the page and the platform itself in a bad light. For page owners, this is a simple way to monitor your ads and be able to track interactions.

Cryptocurrency Ads

Earlier in the year, Facebook initially decided on banning ads related to cryptocurrency, which is a digital form of currency that has been rising in value for the past few years. This decision has proven to be divisive, as numerous cryptocurrencies posts their advertisements on social media platforms like Facebook, which help them reach out to people wanting to invest and grow their revenue.


For companies wanting to advertise cryptocurrency on Facebook, an application must be submitted to become eligible, which includes details such as stock trading experience, along with business and government certification. With Google Adwords and Bing still enforcing the ban on cryptocurrency advertisements, Facebook provides them with a platform with a massive user base.

No Political Ads without “Paid For” label

With Facebook imposing strict guidelines on the advertisements that appear on their platform, they will also prohibit brands posting ads that are political in nature, and do not contain a “Paid for/Paid by” label. This move is done to ensure accountability and transparency for the users and create more authentic campaigns. This move is a part of Facebook’s optimization of their advertisements and will see more improvement in the future.


Key Takeaway

Facebook is the largest social media platform in the world, which means billions of users view advertisements on a regular basis. With these policies and updates in place, Facebook would be able to make sure that these advertisements are safe and suitable for their platform.

If you have questions and inquiries about Social Media Marketing or SEO, leave a comment below and let’s talk.

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Sean Si

About Sean

is a Filipino motivational speaker and a Leadership Speaker in the Philippines. He is the head honcho and editor-in-chief of SEO Hacker. He does SEO Services for companies in the Philippines and Abroad. Connect with him at Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter. He’s also the founder of Sigil Digital Marketing. Check out his new project, Aquascape Philippines.